Hello World

This is my personal blog and I will most of the time use this as a sort of parking space for thoughts and projects.
Some will be about workrelated stuff but more likely it will be about containers and Kubernetes - plus fun projects activities out and about.

Instead of using one of the more boring blog engines out on the internet (looking at you Medium, Blogger and Wordpress) I opted for a Markdown based, static generated blog framework hosted on github pages. I ended up with Hexo.io which is very much like Jekyllrb and Hugo, though something just felt more right for me with Hexo - though I could end up use Hugo if they catch up with Hexo features. I really like their approach, but Hexo had more features that resonated with me.

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Kim Tholstorf

passionate about most cloud native technologies, my family, friends and great books

Senior Systems Engineer @ VMware

Denmark, Copenhagen